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black belts
Sensei Danny Woosley
Name: Danny E. Woosley

Rank: Yondan

Years of Study: 21

Hometown/City: Richmond

Current City: Yamanashi Shi, Yamanashi Ken, Japan

danny woosley

Hobbies/Activities: Martial Arts, Painting, Photography, Cars, Bikes, Reading

Tokui (favorite) Kata: right now, maybe Nijyushiho

Reason you began studying:
Self Defense. I was a very shy kid without much confidence, but I recognized that I needed to change that. One day in our school library I came across a book on karate which sparked my interest. A few years later, my cousin enrolled in a class and offered to let me ride with him. Together we convinced my parents to pay for my lessons and let me join, and so it started.

Outstanding Karate Memories/Moments:
At some point in time after being made head instructor of the club by Camp Sensei, he said to me, "Never give up on teaching anyone Danny, because you never know who is going to really make a difference. In your first class, if I could have asked any one of the students to go home and not return, it would have been you." Out of the 30 or so students who began in the same class with me, I was the only one to reach black belt.

Future Goals(karate and otherwise):
1-Daily practice
2-Train until my dying day
3-Build a knucklehead chopper (heh, heh, heh)

Current emphasis of karate study (your own biggest problem area you are trying to overcome or the focus your study is taking):
Trying to find someone to train and push me. Practicing EVERY day

Favorite Karate Saying/Slogan: Do practice, Do practice.

KarateTournament Wins/Tournament Participation/Records/Honors:
National, Regional, State, and local tournament wins. If i can, i'll try to list them sometime, but I'm not really sure where all my medals and trophies and stuff are right now.

Attended seminars with Hidetaka Nishiyama, Shojiro Sugiyama, Katsumi Niikura, Patrick McCarthy, and Don Madden.

Favorite Karate Book:
"Heart of Karate" (I think) by Shigeru Egami.

Date Awarded Shodan (1st Black Belt):
August, 1988 (if I remember correctly)

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